February 24-25, 2021 | Pacifico Yokohama North
Through a combination of state-of-the-art live event safety standards and digital technology, Sustainable Brands had bringing together a community of change agents at SB’21 Yokohama.
4,169 people from 887 organizations including enterprise, academia, and NPO/NGO joined SB’21 Yokohama.
- February 24th - 25th, 2021
- Pacifico Yokohama North
Co-Located Events
SB’21Yokohama Attendees Profile
Job type of participants
Purpose to attend SB’21 Yokohama (from attendees survey*Multiple answers)
Voice from Attendees
SB’21 Yokohama
Plenary Session
Activation Hub Networking
SB Japan Growth for 5 years since 2017
Sustainable Brands Global Network
Originally held in 2010, USA, SB has since expanded across the globe, with global conferences having been held in 12 countries.